Welcome to the Official Blog for the Documentary Film "On Joy & Sorrow"

The Glass Prism rose to rock 'n roll fame in the 1960s using the poetry of Edgar Allan Poe as the lyrics to its groovin' progressive rock tunes, but the group's journey to stardom was quickly snuffed out like so many bands of the time. Now the guys are back and ready to rock again!
Produced by SailleVision and Post Sputnik
Run Time - 56 minutes

Saturday, May 30, 2009


####UPDATE#### June 15, 2009
The dates and times of the screenings are as follows:
Thursday, June 25 at 9 pm at Arbol Cafe, 909 N. 2nd St. (near Poplar), Phila.
Friday, June 26 at 9:49 pm at Exit Skate Shop at 825 N. 2nd Street (near Poplar), Phila.
Go to www.PIFF2009.com for other info.


The documentary has been accepted to the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival!

This is a huge accomplishment for us. We really think it speaks to the quality of this film. We hope to make everyone in Scranton proud!

The fest runs from June 25-28. We will post an official screening date and time as soon as we learn when that will be.

Hopefully there will be more good news to come in the next month....

Friday, May 1, 2009

Making Plans

We're still entering the documentary in festivals. We also submitted a copy to PBS. They've been very supportive of our past productions, so we're really optimistic that it will be televised there.

We're hoping to make plans very soon to show the film at a live event this summer, hopefully with the members of The Glass Prism in attendance......performing would be even better!

We will keep you all posted. Thanks for the support.